May 28, 2007

If I'm going to be an Atheist, does this mean that I have to now come up with my own set of answers in explaining the non-existence of a God. Is there a 'cafeteria' style set of beliefs in-place that I can pick and choose from to help me explain why I believe what I believe. I'm mean, the Christians seem to have it so much easier in having a book to refer to. With no organized concepts or guidelines to refer to, I'm afraid I'm going to say the wrong thing. And then I'd feel like a big jerk. Are there any particular times during the year, perhaps at the summer equinox or fall solstice, when atheists assemble to discuss their common beliefs and fellowship. I believe the theists would refer to this as a 'bible-study'. I think this would be just the thing to help us Atheists solidify our beliefs. I mean, we get enough of the predictable counter-arguments, but our arguments always seem to be rhetorical. I'm not smart enough to keep coming up with fresh counter-poi nts on my own.

Regarding the non-existence of God, there is nothing to explain. We don't need a book because we have no dogma. There's nothing "wrong" to say if you are sincerely talking about your thoughts and feelings. There are no atheists get-togethers (aside from annual Illuminati meetings for the elect). You don't need to worry about "predictable counter arguments" if you are not making arguments in the first place, and if you feel that you are not intelligent enough to engage in discussions about religion, then don't. You should worry less about snappy answers to theistic questions and more about your own beliefs.

By the way, one of your beliefs seems to be that it's funny to send a bunch of potentially inflammatory e-mails my way, but I intend to keep replying as if you are asking sincere questions. Let me know when you either get tired or want to have a more worthwhile discussion.

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