May 25, 2007

I just want to start this letter by saying i am a 13 year old boy who is unsure of my religious beliefs. However, i must say that your home page to the site is somewhat disrespectful to others' religious beliefs. Also, I can prove that "God" exists. If one defines god as whoever or whatever created the universe, then you must concede, from a purely logical perspective, that "God", in that sense, exists or has existed to some extent. You may point out that the universe has always existed. However, in that case, the concept of infinity is "God". I have discussed this with many people at my school but they are too immature to have a good, intelligent discussion. I look forward to your response.

I agree that the home page is a bit disrespectful, but it is intended only to be disrespectful to those who are of a very rigid, intolerant mindset and have no sense of humor or irony.

Your proof of the existence of God is interesting, but it involves using a definition of "God" that most religious people would not except. Certainly Christians would argue against that God is simply the concept of infinity.

Similarly, if one defined "President of the United States" as the person in control of this country, I could point out that it is the voters who hold ultimate power and that, as a voter, I am in this sense in control of the country and am therefore President of the United States.

Some parents use this kind of bad argument in relation to Santa Claus. They tell their kids that Santa is a real guy who brings presents. Then, when their child is old enough to know better, they say that Santa is the love we feel in our hearts around Christmas, so they weren't lying when they said that Santa Claus was real. But the present-bringing Santa and the love-in-hearts Santa are two entirely different things, so the parents are being deceptive.

Thanks for writing. I hope to hear from you again soon.


Anonymous said...

The site mod/owner has used the incorrect for of (ehk.sept). It should be accept, not except. I am a non-apologetic grammar Nazi.

Anonymous said...
