You have made a fatal mistake! You placed an e-mail on your site that made clear that you are having discussions against religion with someone who is under age in the U.K. By the terms of the European Union Internet Privacy Act, it is illegal to solicit or record personal information from a child over the Internet. Religion is DEFINITELY personal information!!
I know that America will do nothing that can be done about your attempt to corrupt children, but you are certainly in violation of European law and I am circulating a petition that I will forward to your ISP and have you BANNED before you can do more harm. Religion is not a joke. Damnation is not a joke. You are a joke.
This is the petition I'm sending.
There is a revolting blasphemy on the internet called Don't visit it because we do not want to gie it advertising revenue, but instead listen to what I have to say. This site claims that anyone who visits it is automatically an atheist. This is not true! But what will children say if they visit the site accidentally and belive that their Lord has been taken from them?
Even worse, this site publishes "conversations" with people about why the Bible is not holy and why they should not believe in God. Some of the people who write to the site are children -- yes, children! -- but the site goes right ahead and tells them that they should defy their parents, reject their god, and simply live as they want to live. The site claims that there is no morality in God, is this what we want our children to believe?
Because this site is clearly in violation of the European Union laws against soliciting personal information from minors (in this case, religious information), we need to have it shut down as soon as possible. I ask that you help me in this effort by circulating this online petition. The way to do this is to add your name to the end of this e-mail, and then forward it to as many people as you can. Every time there are 100 names, forward it to the site's ISP (Internet Service Provider) at [e-mail address deleted] and demand that the site be removed. Then clear the names and send the petition along.
It will not take long for the ISP to get sick of hearing from us and SHUT THIS BLASPHEMY DOWN!!!!
Thank you and God Bless.
Herbert Roosevelt
(Add your name here)
Wow, our first threatening letter! Thanks! I hope it will surprise you that I'm going to ask my loyal readers (both religious and not) to go ahead and forward your petition to their friends, along with whatever comments they'd like to make on it. I think I'll get more benefit from the publicity than harm from the pointless petition.
And in any case, this site violates no law. I gather no personally identifiable information, and anyone who wishes to discuss religion or atheism with me is more than welcome to do so and will be treated with respect (so far as it is deserved) regardless of their age.