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In the past, I've related to this website by making smart-assed remarks in connection with it. At this time, I just want to assure you that I am deeply impressed by your lucid and highly logical responses to the comments you get. At the same time, as a former evangelical Christian (I was NOT turned away from those teachings by your website!) I am appalled, but not terribly surprised, by the hatred I see in some of those comments from people who claim to be followers of Christ.
Your very obvious tolerance for the beliefs of others, along with your forebearance for the attacks of some obviously vicious people have been an inspiration to my own way of thinking and responding to those whose beliefs I do not share. I see the need to be a lot less resentful and a good deal more gentle with those who for whatever reason, choose to accept beliefs for which I personally am unable to find any good evidence. I am highly appreciative of the philosophic insights gleaned from reader's comments and more particularly, your gently humorous responses to them. Please keep up the good work.