I am not an athiest, but an agnostic, so i see where you are coming from. Today at lunch at school I explained to someone how, according to to catholic scripture, God is a rapist. He starts spazzing at me calling me a sinner and claiming that i was going to hell. He screamed this quite a few time. Calmy I told him that this was not news for me and that Hades had a spot for me in Tartarus. I honestly don't think he got that at all. When all the religious screaming didn't stop, i got up, yelled to the ceiling "your a rapist, a murderer and compleatly illogical...smite me." this boy it boiling over by this point. Then when I ask them about all the other Gods, (one of my favorite questions to ask religious nuts because of the follow answers), This boy and another one began bashing other religions like crazy. I looked at my friend, a fellow agnostic, and fell on the floor laughing. How can they yell at us for insulting thier god and then say that all the ancient pantheons are fake and "stupid pansies" and that Allah, another name for the god they worship "can go F*** himself." It makes me fear for humanity. Sites like yours give me a small bit of hope. Keep it up.
Thanks for writing! It sounds like you are a young person, so I'm going to give you a bit of unsolicited advice. Think about the person you were talking to at lunch: what was your goal in talking to this person? Were you trying to convince him that his beliefs were incorrect, or were you using your superior knowledge to, in effect, call him an idiot? If the latter, then you pretty much got what you wanted, it sounds like, but I'd say that there isn't lot of value in that, although for the moment it can make you feel pretty good.
I personally think that it's better to call yourself an atheist than an agnostic. Agnosticism is the belief that you can't prove one way or another that God exists, and frankly your taunting of God might seem a little odd if your philosophy includes a fair chance that there is such a thing.
So here's what I suggest: call yourself an atheist, and all you're saying is that you're not convinced there is a God. This has two benefits from your perspective. First, it's practically inviting people to try and prove God exists, which leads to more opportunities for you to demonstrate your knowledge. And second, if you call yourself an atheist, live a moral life, and discuss religion calmly and non-judgmentally, it can really freak people out (particularly adults).