Thanks! Your website has provided me many happy hours of entertainment. I have a thought that I would like to share....IF there was a higher power (god) and his opposite (satan) who do you think was more likely to have written the bible? Who would write a book that could cause war and strife among friends, families and nations for hundreds of years? A book that could cause the "righteous" to murder and torture anyone they chose. A book that some hide behind even today to justify hatred, bigotry and worse. Hmmmmm....anyway you'd have to believe in gods and all that for this to be valid but it's good to stretch your imagination now and then. Thanks again, I will back again to read more.
I can't answer that question without knowing more about what this higher power and his opposite are like. For all I know, there is a god and he's a complete jerk. In any case, this book you talk about sounds me more like something people would write. They do it all the time.