I guess I am more of an agnostic than a complete atheist but I do strongly lean toward atheism. The current regime in power in the US has done more to convince me that not only is there no God but that the concept has always been an excuse to do pure EVIL in the name of good. The Bible does say about people doing things in Gods name that "By their fruits you shall know them." But then I have also found that for the most part the people, like myself, who seem to know more about the Bible (and Koran, Bagavad Gita, Upanishads, and "holy writings" from many other religions) than the so-called followers of that religion, also seem to lean more towards athesim or at least agnosticism. By the way I do think that the Taoist writings and many of the books of the Toltecs and Buddhists (which don't have gods) are far better (and nicer really) than the Theists who all preach peace and love and death to everybody else. I found your site entertaining and (should I say it) enlightening. Keep up the good work.
Having visited this site, you can now go ahead and call yourself an atheist. It's okay to be an athiest who says "I don't think there is a god" as opposed to one that says "there is no god." Maybe you'd be more comfortable with that? (I know I am.)