Absolutely fantastic site! I love the satire, the humor, and the very logical answers to a wide variety of interesting questions. I didn't find a single point or argument that did not fall into my personal belief (or lack thereof) system. I particularly enjoyed the long-winded point/counterpoint by an obvious extremist. And I STILL have yet to see a new argument in support of the existence of god.
I recently told my Christian mother about my atheism. Big mistake. She is now sending me literature by Christians who are scientists, as a way to appeal to my own background as a chemist and astronomer. I've asked her to agree to read my material if I read hers. No reply yet.
Why do Christians have such a difficult time leaving us alone? Wouldn't you prefer if they took their "care and concern for your soul" elsewhere? Well, I would. At the very least, if they insist on attempting to save my soul, I should have equal airtime for relieving them of their probable delusions, or at least to attempt to convince them to start looking at the world through critical eyes. I can dream, can't I?
Atheism can be difficult on parents, it's true. Both of mine had a hard time with my "rejection of the church." But now, a couple decades later, they're both atheists, so there is hope for you yet.
I've read many of the "scientific" books on religion, and found them entertaining for all the wrong reasons. You might give them a try, but I suggest that you first ask your mom to read them and then only recommend them if she found them convincing. Then, after you've read the book, you can ask her what arguments she found compelling and tell her why you found them shallow, misleading, illogical, unfactual, or just plain wrong.
I completely agree with you about "equal air time." I recently read a book that talked about how Christianity was being "attacked" because a child was not allowed to pass religious messages out to classmates in a public school. Can you imagine the uproar if an atheist child started passing out literature? Sheesh!
As a concept, I don't mind Christians trying to "save my soul." At least, those who are (in their mind, at least) sincerely trying to help me don't bother me. It's the ones who seem to take it as a personal insult that I am an atheist that sometimes get on my nerves. When I'm not being entertained by their silly arguments, that is.