You said that there are arguments that atheists make that are as bad as the arguments that Christians make. Can you name some? I can't think of any.
There are, unfortunately, plenty of them. A few that seem to come up a lot:
- Item X is the Bible is not literally true, therefore it is a mistake. (Add to this any argument about the Bible's content that does not take into account translation and the context in which it was written.)
- Parts of the Bible are wrong, therefore all of the Bible is not true.
- God couldn't make the earth stop turning to stop the sun in the sky because if he did then everyone would fly off.
- Because he didn't have a father, Jesus would be a clone of Mary.
- Religion is always harmful.
- Christians do not follow their own teachings, therefore their teachings are wrong.
- Religious people are stupid.
- There is no evidence that God exists, therefore God doesn't exist.
- God isn't omnipotent because he can't make a rock that he can't move. (Actually, an omnipotent being that is also perfectly moral could make a rock that it couldn't move.)
I'm sure more will come to mind as I think about this. And if any of my readers can think of more, please send them in!