Mea Culpa. I should have phrased that better. :) My mom has several reasons for thinking I'm going to hell. Not only am I a non-believer, but I'm also bisexual, pro-choice and childfree. I support gay marriage, sex ed and gun control. I think the priests who molested children should be charged in a public court and the ones who knew was was going on and protected them by transferring them to other parishes, to continue their depradations should be taken into the barn and whipped. I'm sure most, if not all of this could be forgiven if I was at least searching for a path to god...which I'm not. So, not only am I a non-believer, but I am one that completely denies the need for a supreme deity in my life. My mom's priest, Father Mac is a jolly Irish elf of a man, one of the few religious personages I've met who lives up to the spirit of his vows as well as the letter of his beliefs. He told me once that god never asks more than we can give and is happy with our best efforts. Following the logic of his words, I don't have any issues with a supreme deity, just those who pervert belief to meet their own ends. My mom, bless her heart, is a good woman who accepts I am an intelligent being who can think for myself and live according to my own moral standards.....even if she does worry about my soul. She's my mom, I think it's in her contract or something. :)
Wow -- it sounds like we have a lot in common! I really appreciate your giving me more details on your situation, as it helps make things more clear.
You sound like a person who has thought carefully about her beliefs, tries to live a good life, and doesn't condemn those who are trying their best to do good as they see it. I wish more atheists were like you! Heck, I wish more people of all beliefs were like you!